Aeroflot - Russian Airlies - Tel Aviv, Israel

Aeroflot - Russian Airlies
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Company name
Aeroflot - Russian Airlies
1 Ben Yehuda St. , Tel Aviv, Israel
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Working hours
  • Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
  • Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
  • Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
  • Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
  • Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
  • Saturday: Closed
  • Sunday: Closed
E-mail address
Company description
Aeroflot is Russia’s de facto National carrier and largest Airline.
Founded on March 17, 1923, Aeroflot is among the world’s oldest airlines and one of Russia’s most recognised brands.
Aeroflot was the first Russian airline company to join the International Air Transport Association (IATA) in 1989.
In 2013, Aeroflot carried 20.9 million passengers (18.4 percent up on 2012), 60.2 billion passenger-kilometres were flown (19.2 % increase), the load factor constituted 78.8%. The total of 31.4 million passengers flew with companies of Aeroflot Group in 2013 (+14.3%).
Aeroflot under the Winter schedule of 2014, operates flights to 122 destinations in 53 countries (39 destinations in Russia).
As part of its commitment to safety, Aeroflot operates the largest Centre of Flight Control  
Show more (CFC) in Eastern Europe. The company also set up an up-to-date Emergency Operations Centre based on modern technologies.
Aeroflot's Hub Control Centre has been put into operation in Sheremetyevo with the purpose to coordinate transfer connection processes and oversee the flight control at the airport.
Aeroflot's Ecological Management and Control System incorporates up-to-date technologies and standards. The company has adopted Energy and Ecological Efficiency Program which is in full compliance with IATA's ecological strategy.
The airline pays a special attention to its presence in the Russian market, especially Siberia and the Far East.
Aeroflot places emphasis on constantly enhancing the quality of its products and services as well as on expanding its range.
Aeroflot is committed to deploying the most effective information technologies to increase service quality and economic efficiency and relies on modern systems to power its Internet bookings. The company offers its passengers the most advanced self-service check-in options and in-flight amenities, including widening mobile phone and Internet access.
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Air Travel
Arkia Ручная Кладь
Aeroflot Tel Aviv
Aeroflot Israel


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How do i order a veagn (VGML) meal?
Я путешествую из Тель-Авив через Москву в Токио и обратно.
1 чемодан - 23 кг, и ручная кладь - 10 кг.

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Can I use the miles collected to upgrade my flight from Tel Aviv to Delhi on 31st October 2017?
How can I order kosher food on a flight to NY. via Moscow?
How do I check when my lost suitcase will arrive
אני טס ביום שישי ה 10/4בשעה 1:05 בלילה
טיסה 505 למוסקבה . ומשם טיסה 100 לניו יורק
אני רוצה לבקש מנה צימחונית .
כיצד אוכל לבקש מהחברה?

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